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Watchtower Caught Dumping Chemicals

It was ironic to read that the Watchtower has been caught with illegally dumped chemicals, particularly after the self-adulation that appears in the Watchtower's own magazines regarding how they view "ruining the earth." For example:

"Questions From Readers
What responsibility do Christians have in slowing down the polluting of our environment—land, sea, and air?
As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we are deeply concerned with the many ecological problems now affecting our earthly home. More than most people, we appreciate that the earth was created to be a pure, healthful home for a perfect human family. (Genesis 1:31; 2:15-17; Isaiah 45:18) We also have God’s assurance that he will “bring to ruin those ruining the earth.” (Revelation 11:18) It is thus right to make balanced, reasonable efforts to avoid needlessly adding to man’s ongoing spoiling of our globe. Note, though, the word “reasonable.” It is also Scripturally fitting to guard against allowing ecological issues and practices to become our overwhelming concerns. …

While love for fellowmen moves us to avoid needlessly polluting the land, atmosphere, or water supplies, we continue to bear witness to the truth. This involves teaching people to apply Bible truth and so avoid ruining their bodies with smoke, excessive alcohol, or damaging drugs. As millions of new ones have become disciples, they have learned habits of cleanliness and consideration for others. So the preaching work has made a literal contribution to the lessening of the general problem of pollution today. But more important, Christian disciples strive to make over their personality and habits now so that they will fit into the clean Paradise earth that God will soon provide for his true worshipers." Watchtower 1993 Jan 1 p.31

Compare this with how the Watchtower disposed of chemical pollution from their printing activities.

Chemicals found buried in Ulster
Times Herald-Record
December 27, 2011 - 2:00 AM
SHAWANGUNK — State authorities are overseeing the investigation of chemicals and debris that were found buried at Watchtower Farms.
The state Department of Environmental Conservation said the pollution was found at three different sites on the 1,141-acre property. Each of the pollution sites covers roughly 2 acres. Matt Hubicki, a DEC environmental engineer, said hints of the contamination were found in 2007 while the Jehovah's Witnesses organization was building an expansion.
"They found some drums while digging the foundation for one of their residential facilities," Hubicki said. The group immediately reported the drums to the DEC.
An investigation found that several 55-gallon drums contained chemicals, including inks and solvents that were used at Watchtower's printing press off Red Mills Road. The gigantic printing operation dates back to the 1970s, and it produces all the religious literature the group distributes in North America.
The drums contained benzene, xylene and other chemicals that have been shown to affect human health. Construction debris and polluted soil was also uncovered at the sites.
DEC officials said it appears that Watchtower workers moved the toxic soil to these sites when printing chemicals spilled decades ago. Then they used farm machinery to aerate the soil and evaporate the contaminants.
An investigation that began this month will determine the scope of the pollution and clean-up options. Watchtower will have to pay for the cleanup; the cost has not yet been determined. The site is currently enrolled in the state Brownfield Cleanup Program. (http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20111227/NEWS/112270319)

NYSDEC has classified these as Code A sites. Regarding 21 South Putt Corners Rd New Paltz, NY12564 it stated:

"The site is currently zoned R-Ag 4, Residential-Agricultural use. During the 1960s and 1970s, Watchtower printing operations are reported to have involved on-site disposal of wastes, drums and construction/demolition debris. Prior to 1960s, uses included farmland and orchards. Depth to groundwater is 6 to 14 feet below the ground surface, and the groundwater flow is to the southwest. Soils are mostly brown and grey silty clay intermixed with gravel and construction/demolition debris (e.g., bricks, scrap metal). The Shawangunk Kill is approximately 3,400 feet to the southeast. Two private reservoirs and one catchment basin are located 1,800 feet to the southwest, and serve as Watchtower's drinking water source. The Brownfield Cleanup Program application was approved by the Department of Environmental Conservation on 01/11/2011, and on 1/28/11 the Department executed the Brownfield Cleanup Agreement." (as of 28/12/2011)

Watchtower doctrine leads to short-term thinking. Each Witness, for more than a century, has been directed to the belief that they will shortly survive Armageddon and enter a world where God will miraculously remove all of mankind's problems, including the pollution that they contribute to. There is little incentive to care for a world that is going to should recover from such a cataclysm.

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